Olympisomnia - The state of sleep deprivation that results from staying up far far too late watching Canadian athletes seek, and often find, glory.
My kids are amazed that the Olympics will be over so soon, but they also feel like they have lasted forever. I, who almost never watch television, have actually loved the new habit of serving food on our coffee table in front of the television. Watching the Olympics has not curtailed family conversation in the least.
I think my favourite Olympian was actually Christine Nesbitt, the long track skater. Because she had heavy, tired legs toward the end. She didn't have what it took. And she listened to the crowd cheering her on and she dug deep and found reserves she didn't know were there and she won. And Charles Hamelin, who had the most beautiful Gallic fey face. And of course Joannie. Dave said they were overusing words like brave, but I disagree. That girl has guts to skate as she did when the tears were that close to the surface and when grief must have filled her body. I loved the skating coach with the dark glasses and the passionate cheering. I turned into a bit of a cougar about Shaun White, although I mostly just wanted his hair, for my own.
Matt and I had conversations about cheering for other countries. We decided he was more patriotic and I was more Olympian.
In other news, I stole a recipe today: I memorized it in a magazine I did not buy. I made it tonight and had to share it. It was so phenomenal - you can steal it too. I only memorized the ingredients, not the proportions, so I suppose it is kind of mine.
In a roasting pan mix cauliflower florets and grape tomatoes. I used about 1/2 a head of cauliflower and a dozen tomatoes. I would have used more tomatoes though. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with pepper. Roast at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes or so.
At the same time, boil 1/2 lb of pasta. The recipe called for orrechiette or little ears/little shells. Drain.
Chop together about 8 fresh sage leaves (I freeze fresh herbs, so took a chunk of sage), 3 garlic cloves and several pieces of prosciutto. I used a Pampered Chef chopper and it worked well.
Toss the cauliflower/tomatoes with the sage/garlic/prosciutto and return to oven for another 20 minutes or so. When nicely browned, add a couple handfuls of baby spinach or arugula and mix with pasta. Sprinkle with Parmesan and serve.
Even the non-cauliflower lovers at our house loved this.
Finally, after working extremely hard on revisions to my Quebec novel and being really pleased with the result, I am about to embark on revisions to its sequel. Which currently stinks. At least by contrast with the first one. I've needed the time of the Olympics to shift gears. Here's hoping I can gird my loins to tackle this.
One more day. Go Canada go!
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