I love the CBC but other than listening to Stuart McLean and Rex Murphy, CBC stopped being my radio station of choice when we moved here from Toronto. Instead I listen to a local radio station, which lets me know when our school buses are cancelled, tells me about local events and weather. At least, this is what it does early in the morning and late in the afternoon. That tends to be when I listen to the radio most, as I make meals and empty the dishwasher and load the laundry machine.
But between nine and three each day, the station is devoted to talk shows, and the talk shows are devoted to the creation of controversy and inciting callers. Occasionally I listen. My personal policy, though, is that I will NOT call in, no matter what. If I get incensed enough, I have been known to send an email, but somehow calling in is a line I dare not cross. Watching Oprah is another line I won't let myself cross (would lead to watching soap operas and eating bonbons on the couch all day, of course).
But there's one recurring thing that happens on talk radio that I just don't understand. OK, there's probably more than one, but one for sure.
It's climate change doubt. People who get entirely bent out of shape about the allegedly false environmental agenda devoted to getting us to change our ways and to spending our money.
First of all, the evidence is fairly clear. Whether Al Gore leaves all the lights on in his house or not, our planet is experiencing significant upheavals and disruptions. And our actions can make a difference.
What I want to say to the irate callers is simply this: What does it matter if it's real or not - how does it hurt us to live with conservation in mind? How does it really hurt us to make the small changes that add up to powerful results? And what joy do we miss when we don't?
Really, that's all.
Except I'd love to hear what you think.
To address your actual question, living more simply, more slowly, more in touch with the earth is a good thing. Small changes can add up to powerful results. As for talk radio and the climate of controversy, that's an aspect of global warming I can happily shut off. In fact, I already have.
ReplyDeleteSusan, I am so much in your camp. I think that many of us live a life that is comparable to the rich and royalty from 100 years ago. I don't think it is such a big deal to cut a few of the extras out for the sake of living more simply.
Thanks, Doug and Leah. The only thing that really suffers - and really only occasionally -- is our convenience. And maybe our view that the world revolves around mememe.