Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Bored

I am sitting on my back porch, watching four robins and two unidentified birds vie for real estate and mates. They are not quiet. My cat is enchanted. The forsythia is in full Technicolour bloom and the air is as soft as a kiss.

I had a sickish child home with me today, and I was aching with exhaustion from having a sick child awake in the night last night (after a couple of killer long days). Nevertheless, I managed to write a beautiful, beautiful scene to fill in a blank in the book I am revising. (I also managed to paint her and my toenails alternating toes of magenta and petal pink.)

I'm planning a birthday party for my grandmother's 90th, have a couple of interesting work projects on the table and the horizon, not to mention the garden which is springing up.

So, bored may not exactly be the word. And I am, as mentioned, super-tired, so, like my kids, I may be too fatigued to amuse myself. But, what I'm itching for is something completely entertaining, something clever, something amusing, something creative and exciting and witty. I think my larder needs filling up.

Here's what I have determined through careful research: it's not on television or the Internet. Seriously, I've checked.

Tonight, sleep is the priority. And tonight, two books on reserve are coming home from the library to me. But, I need a mental spring tonic. My writing is going astonishingly well, and it energizes me, but it also saps some of my creativity. I need to get a little back.

So I'm on the lookout. Tomorrow I have my first pottery class. Maybe that will be it.

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